Glitter Dinosaur Ornaments

Glitter Dinosaur Ornaments 1

This has always been one of my favorite Christmas crafts.

I mean, who doesn’t love dinosaurs covered in glitter??

Seriously, though, hanging these Glitter Dinosaur Ornaments on my tree each year is always a joy!

Glitter Dinosaur Ornaments

Of course, I didn’t realize until afterwards that most of my photos were blurry, but you get the idea.

Essentially I picked up a tube of dinosaurs, my kids painted them, and we dumped glitter on top.

It was so much fun to do with them.

Mostly here, you’ll see the photos of the ones we painted all white – that was my preference for ultimate sparkle. But my kids did decide to paint a couple blue as well. You can really do whatever suits you.

Glitter Dinosaur Ornaments 3

Before you decorate them, you’ll want to attach tiny hooks.

I used eye hooks like these. The screw right into the toys with just a little elbow grease.

Then paint them with acrylic paint and sprinkle on glitter before the paint dries.

Last, attach any type of thin ribbon or string and you’re done!

Glitter Dinosaur Ornaments 4

I even decorated the lid of the tube.

It’s like a T-rex bust. Pretty fancy, if you ask me.

Glitter Dinosaur Ornaments

Let me know if you try it out! Or even if you grab a tube of unicorns or something else instead.

Happy Crafting :)

Roaming Rosie Signature

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