Alphabet Activities UPDATE (and more free worksheets!)

Well, hello there! It’s been a while, huh?

Yeah, sorry about that.

Here’s the thing: many years ago I was having a lot of fun making these Alphabet Activities to share with everyone while doing all of these fun activities with my own Littles:

Then, my computer crashed.

And we all know to back up our stuff, right? Of course we do. But do we always remember to?


So I lost a LOT of photos that I’d transferred to my computer. It wasn’t just Alphabet Activity photos I lost either – it included other recent photos of my kids and other projects I’d been working on. And I was also smack in the middle of a really messy divorce. It was a rough time.

Then … life took over. Things got busy. The kids got older.

And I kinda gave up.

But I am OBSESSED with the alphabet (is that a librarian thing?), and this was always one of my favorite projects. I even managed to find most of the worksheets that I actually HAD backed up.

I decided to reopen this project. Why not, right? It’s never too late.

Okay, my kids are admittedly too old to photograph doing toddler and preschool crafts, BUT I can still post the worksheets. I can even offer some ideas and make suggestions similar to what you’ll find on my original posts.

What I did decide to do was combine the rest of the letters. I used to make 2 posts per letter – one of just activities and one of the worksheets – but there isn’t a good reason to do that now.

I’ve planned out 3 final posts to wrap up this project: Letters K-O, Letters P-T, and Letters U-Z.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be releasing all the free worksheets – and I’m kind of excited about it!

Be sure to subscribe to my emails so you’ll be notified, and to follow me on Facebook and Pinterest so you get the updates.

It’s been a long road, but it feels good to know I’m still on my way.